HomeHealthWhat Makes A Suitable Candidate For A Hair Transplant

What Makes A Suitable Candidate For A Hair Transplant

A hair transplant can help you change your life by boosting your esteem levels and sense of well-being. But not everyone is a suitable candidate for this procedure. For a successful hair transplant, certain factors must be accounted for. So, before undergoing the procedure, you should first know about these factors and have clear expectations. According to  Gro Clinic, you also need to know the different types of clinical procedures available that can work for you. Here are factors that determine whether you’re a suitable candidate.

Male Pattern Baldness

If you’ve had male pattern baldness for at least five years or are rated at least level 3 on the Norwood Scale, then you’re a suitable hair transplant candidate. According to reports, male pattern baldness accounts for at least 95% of hair loss in men, with at least 25 % of them experiencing the condition as early as 21 years of age. The condition often affects specific areas of the scalp. Therefore, the unaffected parts can provide donor hair follicles that are transplanted to affected regions.

However, keep in mind that the treatment is not meant to heal a receding hairline or thinning hair. It is just meant to replace the hairs that have fallen off. That means you’re likely to continue losing hair even after the transplant if you fail to address the root cause of the receding hairline.

Additionally, if you’re suffering from alopecia, you’re not suitable for a hair transplant. That’s because alopecia damages hair follicles, making them unsuitable for transplant.

The Degree Of Hair Loss

The hair transplant surgery also depends on how much donor hair you have and its quality. That makes the degree of hair loss an important factor to consider. For instance, the surgeon must first assess the severity of hair loss and whether there will be a good supply of donor’s hair.

Degree Of Curl

Curly hair can sometimes be problematic because it makes finding the direction of the hair follicle difficult during a robotic hair transplant. This fact is also true if you have thin hair.

Your Health Status

Your surgical doctor should take into account the degree of recovery and potential complications related to your level of immunity before doing a hair transplant. You want to have a strong immune system that can speed up the healing and recovery process after the surgical procedure. Therefore, if you’ve had a health condition for quite some time, it’s good to consult your doctor before having a hair transplant.


Most experts deem individuals within the age range of 25-65 as suitable candidates for hair transplant procedures. For very young people, the condition of hair loss might be a result of prematurity. But for very older people, it might be caused by constantly thinning hair. So, whichever the case, a hair transplant might not be an effective strategy.

The Characteristics Of Your Hair

Certain aspects of hair ultimately affect hair transplant surgery. Some of these characteristics are hair color, texture, and cross-sectional area. So, a surgeon must take these aspects into account before drawing their procedure. That way, they can give appealing aesthetic value to your hair.

Hair Color

The color of your hair hugely relates to the underlying skin, making it an important factor. If your hair colour considerably differs from that of the scalp, any instance of baldness is easy to notice. Conversely, a hair color that closely resembles the skin hides baldness. And unless you’ve undergone a significant hair loss, it’s hard for someone to notice your lack of hair.

So, all factors considered, you’re more suitable for a hair transplant if your hair and skin colour hardly contrast. For example, if you have white hair with underlying white skin, you are a more suitable candidate for hair transplant than someone with white hair and underlying black skin.

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The Thickness Of Hair

Hair thickness also accounts for the success of a hair transplant. Compared to thin hair, thick hair blocks most of the light penetrating the scalp from being reflected, making baldness less visible. So, if you have thick hair, you need relatively fewer hair transplants to attain appealing cosmetic results than when you have thin hair.

If you have taken a look into all these factors and find out that you are a suitable candidate for a hair transplant, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with a doctor. This procedure could change your life for the better!

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