HomeHealthWhat are the Different Types of Treatment for Chronic Knee Pain?

What are the Different Types of Treatment for Chronic Knee Pain?

Chronic knee pain will produce swelling, or irritation in one or both knees. The cause of your knee pain can fix the symptoms that you experience. Many conditions can cause or provide to chronic knee pain, and many medications exist. Every person’s experience with chronic knee pain will be different from one another.

What Are The Danger Factors For Knee Pain?


The knee joint is involved in its operation and is used frequently throughout the day. Any change in the action of the joint can cause subtle changes and produce pain and injuries.

Excess Weight:

The weight on the knee joint increased with excess weight. Obesity also raises the risk of knee osteoarthritis as the cartilage breaks down more rapidly. Overuse during repeated motions as are found during specific exercises like jogging, skiing etc. or work conditions like long periods of kneeling can cause breakdown of cartilage and begin to pain.

Some Of The Best Treatments For Chronic Knee Pain:

Know some of the knee pain treatment which prevents your knee pains.

Physical Therapy:

Physical therapy for knee pain includes a thorough evaluation and assessment of your entire lower extremity from your hip to your foot. Your PT can estimate your knee pain and prescribe the right treatments—including exercises and modalities—to help reduce your knee pain and increase your overall mobility.
When you get physical therapy, it starts that depends on the cause of your pain. Sometimes it’s all you need for treatment. You might not require surgery.


Pain relievers, or analgesics, are an essential part of treatment for many knee problems. If your knee pain is due to an inflammatory form of arthritis, other medications may be needed to control the disease in your knee and elsewhere in your body.
The medication used will depend mainly on the particular condition or form of arthritis you have. The types of medications generally used in arthritis treatment are:


These quick-acting drugs, related to the hormone cortisone made by your own body, are used to manage inflammation. If knee inflammation is enough to a systemic inflammatory form of arthritis, your surgeon may prescribe oral corticosteroids.

Surgeries For Chronic Knee Pain:

Autologous chondrocyte implantation (ACI): This is a procedure in which new cartilage grown and inserted in your knee. “It involves harvesting cartilage cells, producing them, and then re-injecting them under a flap in the area of concern.” “It’s not highly successful, but it’s worth trying in a younger patient when you don’t want to get into a joint replacement.”

Abrasion Arthroplasty:

This is a type of arthroscopic surgery, abrasion arthroplasty is sometimes used to heal knee pain connected with arthritis. “It would abrade the area where the cartilage is dropped, trying to crack through the bone to get some fibrocartilage growing and regenerating.
It’s not very important, but some people still use it. It usually used when people used to do arthroscopy for arthritis, but nowadays you don’t see as much of it. If you are are interested you can also prefer for knee replacement surgery which also prevents the knee pains.


Corticosteroid Injections – Doctors sometimes inject corticosteroids immediately into the knee joint for quick relief of pain and inflammation. Their advantages may last everywhere from a few days to more than six months.
While the injections bring targeted support to the joint and produce many of the side effects of oral corticosteroid medications, they are not without dangers. Reconstructed knee injections may truly contribute to cartilage breakdown. For that cause, your doctor will likely put a limit on the number of injections you can receive.

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