HomeHealthTips To Avoid Pollution Exposure

Tips To Avoid Pollution Exposure

Air pollution – a buzz topic nowadays, it is the world’s largest environmental health threat. Around seven million people are killed by air pollution every year. People using nose filter mask are way safer than who are not using any kind of nasal protection. So, it’s high time to pay attention to this air pollution and to take measures to protect yourself from this threat. Some of the ways to protect yourself from pollution exposure are: –

●    Nutritious Diet: Yes, a nutritious diet cannot be related directly to air pollution, but it can act as a shield of protection from the adverse impact of pollution. Vitamin A, E, C can help in rejuvenating the body and it can also support in fighting inflammation that is created by pollution or any kind of toxin. So, if you want to defend yourself from air pollution and harmful toxins, then you should take a proper and nutritious diet.

●    Home Air Purifying Plants: Indoor air pollution is more dangerous than outdoor air pollution. Some sources of indoor pollution are cleaning products, deodorant, detergents, air fresheners, traditional cooking methods using wood. So, you should also pay attention to indoor pollution. To reduce the levels of indoor pollution you can plant indoor air purifying plants such as Aloe Vera, spider plant, bamboo palm, etc. These plants are a good source of oxygen.

●    Outdoor Activities during a high level of pollution: You should avoid outdoor activities during a high level of pollution. More time spent outdoors means exposure to toxic air and pollutants. Still, you are going out for necessities make sure to wear a nose filter mask, also you should avoid any kind of exercise and run during a high level of pollution as heavy physical activities tend to increase the pace of breathing and one is more likely to breathe deeply through their mouth, which means directly inhaling particular matter.

●    Ventilating your kitchen and bathroom: As stated above indoor pollution can be more harmful than outdoor air pollution. You should have a chimney in the kitchen and exhaust in the bathroom to avoid indoor air pollution, this will also ensure that air is recirculated.

●    Air Purifiers: You should use air purifiers, especially in the rooms of kids and elderly people. They are even more vulnerable to the ill effects of toxic air.

●    Purifying of car air: You should also purify your car air. During the morning time, you should roll down your windows to let the air circulate and then run car AC in indoor circulation mode, it will reduce the PM 2.5 level considerably.


Taking protective measures cannot reduce air pollution but it can help you to breathe easier. According to experts, the next few days are going to be very bad in terms of air pollution, and exposure to this pollution can even affect healthy people severely and it can seriously impact those with existing diseases. It is highly advisable not to waste a single minute, open the internet, and order an invisible pollution mask before it goes out of stock.

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