HomeHealthThree Cable Machine Exercises to Help You Tone Up

Three Cable Machine Exercises to Help You Tone Up

While some people are wanting to use cable machines as a way of building up their endurance, there are plenty more who are using them first and foremost for strength. They can also be used as an excellent way of toning up your body—whether you’re aiming to target a specific area or tone up all over. There are plenty of direct exercises that can be used when it comes to toning up. The following blog post will be checking these out in a higher level of detail right here and now. 

  • Upper Body Workouts 

There are plenty of ways to build your upper body strength when you’re using gym cable machines. One of the classic exercises is the bicep curl, which simply involves replacing the weights that you would normally use with the cable. 

Of course, you will need to make sure you have a handle on there that’s easy for you to grip and you will want to set the cable down low. Another popular choice is a standing shoulder press, which essentially involves you facing away from the cable machine and having two separate ropes and handles that you are able to grip. You can then push the cables upward and forward, extending them away from yourself and continually repeating the movement.

  • Ab Workouts 

For some people, a using a cable machine is going to be a great way of ensuring that their abs are nice and toned. These types of workouts ensure that the core is engaged at all times. You have several different options on this front. A classic one that you can try out is the wood chop movement. You’ll want to have the pulley on the highest setting and be facing side on to the cable machine. You can then pull this across your body in a downward motion, keeping your abs engaged. You’ll need to do this slowly for maximum impact. 

  • Lower Body Workouts 

Then you have all the lower body workouts that you can try out with your cable machine. Many of these involve a squatting motion in one way or another. There are also the workouts that encourage you to lunge forward or backward. A nice one that you can try is known as a Romanian deadlift. Essentially, this will have you standing facing the cable machine with it on the lowest setting. You’ll need to keep your core engaged and your back straight at all times. While gripping the handle with your knees slightly bent, you’ll bend your hips and extend your arms forward before doing a backward row with your elbows and standing back up. 

As you can see from this range of possible workouts that you could look to engage in, there are all sorts of options that you have readily available to you. Ultimately, it’s going to be a good idea to try out the ones that interest you the most, based on the area of your body that you’d most like to be working out.

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