HomeTechThe Dos and Don'ts of Supporting Your Child's Esports Career

The Dos and Don’ts of Supporting Your Child’s Esports Career

The digital age has given rise to a new type of sport – esports. Also known as electronic sports, this relatively new phenomenon is taking the world by storm, with millions of people tuning in to watch professional gamers compete in tournaments all over the globe.

Parents of aspiring esports athletes often have questions about how to support their child’s career. It’s new and uncharted territory, after all. If you’re wondering how you can help your child pursue a career in esports, here are some dos and don’ts to keep in mind.


  • Encourage a love for gaming– If your child is passionate about gaming, that’s half the battle won. The most successful esports athletes are those who genuinely love the games they play. You can support your child’s career by fostering their love for gaming and helping them find the right balance between playing and other activities.
  • Create a positive environment at home– A supportive home environment is crucial for any aspiring esports athlete. This means having dedicated space for gaming, access to a good gaming PC or laptop, and family members who are understanding of the time and commitment required to succeed in esports. If you want to go big, you can give your child the most expensive gaming PC. For sure, your kid will love you for it but just remember that the most important thing is creating a positive environment where your child feels comfortable and can focus on their gaming.
  • Help with practice and competition– Like any sport, becoming a successful esports athlete requires dedication and hard work. You can support your child’s career by helping them with their practice schedule and providing transportation to and from competitions.
  • Encourage a healthy lifestyle– Just like traditional athletes, esports athletes need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to perform at their best. Sitting in front of a computer for hours on end can take a toll on one’s health, so it’s important to encourage your child to eat right, exercise, and get enough sleep.


  • Force them to play– If your child isn’t interested in playing video games, chances are they won’t excel at esports. You can’t force someone to be good at something they don’t enjoy, so it’s important to let your child choose their path. Let them play the games they love and they’ll naturally gravitate towards becoming better at them.
  • Micromanage their gaming– If you try to control everything about your child’s gaming, it will only lead to frustration on both your parts. It’s important to trust your child to make their own decisions when it comes to their gaming. You can provide guidance and support, but ultimately, it’s up to them to decide how they want to play the game.
  • Compare them to other players-Every esports athlete is different and will have unique strengths and weaknesses. Comparing your child to other players will only make them feel bad about themselves and could damage their confidence. Just let them be themselves and enjoy the game.
  • Push them too hard– Like anything in life, there’s a fine line between pushing someone to reach their potential and pushing them too hard. Pushing your child too hard can lead to burnout, so it’s important to find a balance. Let them know that you’re there for them, but ultimately, it’s up to them how far they want to go in their esports career.
  • Ignore their health– As mentioned above, sitting in front of a computer for hours on end can take a toll on one’s health. You should encourage your child to lead a healthy lifestyle. If you notice your child is losing weight, not sleeping well, or having other health problems, it’s important to talk to them about it and get them the help they need.

With these dos and don’ts in mind, you’re well on your way to supporting your child’s esports career. Just remember to be understanding, patient, and most importantly, supportive. Your child will thank you for it later.

Do you have any other tips for supporting your child’s esports career? Share them with us in the comments below! We’d love to hear from you.

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