HomeFashionFive Reasons Why Oval Engagement Rings Are Soaring In Popularity

Five Reasons Why Oval Engagement Rings Are Soaring In Popularity

The oval engagement ring is a popular choice for many couples, and it’s easy to see why. These rings are simple and elegant, with the bonus of being slightly different from other traditional wedding rings. The best part about this style is that you can choose from various styles, so your engagement ring won’t be boring or even following trends. In this article, you will learn five reasons why oval engagement rings are soaring in popularity.

They’re unique

Oval diamond engagement rings are not as common as round ones, so you’re more likely to find something unique and different. In addition, oval-shaped rings are more flattering for many people than round ones, especially those with larger fingers or smaller wrists. They are also more comfortable than their square counterparts.

They’re comfortable

The oval shape is more comfortable for your fingers than the round shape. This is because it allows for more room between each finger and the ring, making it feel less constricting. The flexibility of an oval ring also makes it easier on your hand or finger when you’re wearing them all day long.

In addition to being more comfortable, oval engagement rings are more flexible because they have no corners or edges that could get pinched between two surfaces. This means they’ll be easier to move around at work or school, and since they’re made out of titanium instead of gold-plated steel like traditional wedding rings, they’ll stand up against wear better over time too.

More Bling for Your Buck

While oval diamond engagement rings are less common than round ones, they’re also more affordable. Oval diamonds come from the same mines that produce the classic round diamond, so you can expect them to have similar prices and sizes. However, because of their shape and size, and because there are fewer of them in circulation, oval diamond engagement rings tend to be priced lower than their round counterparts by about 10%. That’s why this shape has become so popular among consumers who want bling without busting their budget.

Modern and Contemporary

Oval diamond engagement rings are timeless and will never go out of style. They’re a great choice for people who want to stand out and can be worn with any style of wedding band. Oval ring designs are also very budget-friendly, so you’ll get more for your money when you opt for an oval engagement ring over other popular styles like round or square diamonds.

Pair Well with Most Settings

The oval shape is versatile. It can be paired with most settings and styles, as well as most materials and sizes. Oval diamond engagement rings are particularly well-suited to stacking because they’re versatile. You should pair an oval engagement ring with a round diamond for contrast or a princess-cut diamond for elegance.

Conclusion It’s clear that the oval engagement ring is here to stay. It may not be for everyone, but all agree that it’s a beautiful ring that transforms how you look at an engagement ring. Oval engagement rings are a great way to complement your wedding ring and are a unique and modern choice. Hope this post helped give you some insight into why oval engagement rings are so popular.

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