HomePeople Interest4 Tips For Encouraging Your Teen’s Confidence

4 Tips For Encouraging Your Teen’s Confidence

It can be a challenge to be confident at any age.  However, teens are some of the most vulnerable people on the planet since it can be such a uniquely difficult period of life.   Self-esteem can be at an all-time low between social pressures and self-inflicted criticisms.  It can leave teens feely unworthy, unwilling to take risks, and in some cases, even depressed.  

The best thing you can do as the parent of a teenager is to encourage their confidence.  Here are some of the best ways to do so.

Encourage What They’re Good at

Every tree starts with a seed.  Encourage what your child is good at and watch their confidence grow.  Whether it’s something they do at school or talent they enjoy at home, continue to encourage their talent.  Encourage the thought that success starts with taking a talent and making it grow into something even greater with hard work and commitment.

Even though it’s nice to be good at something it doesn’t always guarantee your success.  On top of feeling good about a skill, they should also show determination and commitment to improving at it.

Help Them Get Better at Whatever They Love

Some teens love dancing, while some teens love doing code.  When you find something that sparks their interest, help them get more exposure to it.  Whether it’s by hanging out with other people who are experts at it, or enrolling them in a class, teach them to get better and learn more about it.  

Teach Them to Embrace Mistakes

One of the biggest reasons that many of us struggle with low confidence is because we experienced making a mistake at some point in our lives.  The shame and frustration left us feeling defeated.  

However, the secret to mistakes is not letting them knock us down but rather learning from them.  Each mistake is an opportunity to learn and grow from.  Mistakes can be wonderful moments of transcendence and growth if we allow ourselves to see it that way.

One of the most effective ways to teach your teen to accept their mistakes is to lead by example.  Forgive yourself and don’t beat yourself up if you mess up.  They will learn from your behavior!


A lot of parents think their main responsibility is to give advice.  Although it’s wonderful sometimes when it’s solicited, it’s not always the solution.  At some point, people just want to be listened to.

Don’t forget that in addition to giving your guidance, you should also hit the mute button and simply tune into what your child has to say.  Teens don’t always need advice, but sometimes just someone to hear them out and make them feel valued.

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